Wraith of the Widower Page 19
I had a sequence of Henslow snooping around in the Unterholz house while Kaz kept Howie occupied sketched out and ready. But this story is told from Kaz’s perspective and I wanted to avoid head-hopping and keep it simple. Exposition pages might feel a bit cheap at times, yet this is Kaz’s story and her experience. We’ll get to Henslow eventually and the dark stuff he’s been up to before talkative Irishmen and weeping widows entered his life.
Show don’t tell is a golden rule while telling a good story, yet sometimes you have to sacrifice the rules to keep true to the narrative. Kaz couldn’t know what Henslow found and he didn’t have time to tell her before now. Maybe I’m overthinking all of this and nobody really cares? Well, onto the next page!