Nothing But Trouble Page 25
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Nothing But Trouble Page 23
I have been busy helping around the indie comic community lately, editing trailers, and such. My wee hellions have been home on holiday break, so I’m dead tired and looking forward to school starting again! You can check out the latest trailer I made over at Stokes the Writer‘s twitter.
Related Images:
Nothing But Trouble Page 22
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Nothing But Trouble Page 20
I love drawing these flashbacks to Curly’s childhood and upbringing. There are so many fun anecdotes and stories to tell from before his life went all to hell with monsters, demons, and the whole fleeing-for-your-life stuff. It also gives me a shot at trying out some fun little sight gags and references that might not fit in otherwise.
Related Images:
Nothing But Trouble Page 19
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Nothing But Trouble Page 17
I have been burying myself in art books lately, trying to learn new stuff and level up a bit. It is easy to become stagnated and comfortable in a style or way of doing things. I have been drawing Curly for years now and am constantly terrified that I one day will start to phone it in. I like the style that I have developed and how it looks, but it can always be improved. At the same time, it’s dangerous to overwork stuff and never actually finish them. Wabi sabi, good enough but constantly improving.